New Subject Editor: Marco Basile
Submitted by editor on 15 October 2024.
I am Marco Basile from the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL located near the vibrant city of Zurich, where I live. I recently joined the editorial team at Wildlife Biology. I always enjoyed reading this journal as I am an animal ecologist with a strong interest in bird-habitat relationship and biotic interactions among species. My current research is mainly about forest ecosystems and the interactions between insectivore birds and native and non-native insect pests. I make extensive use of population and community models, with frequentist or Bayesian inference.
My previous studies focused on biodiversity-oriented forest management, species occurrence and abundance modelling and forest biodiversity indicators. I also worked on other animal species, including mammals, amphibians and beetles. My favourite species are woodpeckers, which have a central role in my research. I have got my PhD from the University of Freiburg, Germany.
Outside work, I enjoy travelling and birdwatching. I like to collect bird guides from the countries I visit even though smartphone apps are making books outdated! Every once in a while, I like to visit bird ringing stations, especially in the Mediterranean sea and in the Alps.
Keywords: birds, biodiversity-oriented forest management, species distribution modelling, temperate and boreal biomes