Editorial Board


Ilse Storch
University of Freiburg, Germany

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Christian Hagen
Oregon State University, Bend, USA

Managing Editor

Maria Persson
Oikos Editorial Office
Lund University
SE-223 62 Lund
me [at] wildlifebiology [dot] org

Subject Editors

Pia Anderwald, Swiss National Park, Zernez, Switzerland – interspecific interactions, habitat use, mammals

John P Ball, Department of Animal Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden – wildlife ecology, conservation biology

Marco Basile, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland – birds, biodiversity-oriented forest management, species distribution modelling, temperate and boreal biomes 

Manisha Bhardwaj, Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg, Germany – human-wildlife Interactions, road Ecology, linear infrastructure ecology, landscape ecology, landscape connectivity, terrestrial landscapes

Christophe Bonenfant, Department of Ecology, LBBE-CNRS, France – population dynamics, life histories, large mammals

Jacopo Cerri, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sassari, Italy – wildlife ecology, time-series analysis, movement ecology, spatial statistics, large carnivores, vultures, invasive alien species

Simone Ciuti, Laboratory of Wildlife Ecology and Behaviour, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland – behaviour, evolutionary ecology, wildlife habitat modelling

Luca Corlatti, Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg, Germany – behavioural ecology, population ecology, mountain wildlife

Bogdan Cristescu, Cheetah Conservation Fund, Namibia, also: Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia. – carnivore ecology, habitat ecology, human-wildlife conflict

Cecilia Di Bernardi (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden) – Arctic, Canidae, DNA-methods, Fitness, Ecology, Large carnivores

Ezequiel Fabiano, Department of wildlife management and ecotourism, University of Namibia, Namibia – wildlife ecology, conservation, human-wildlife interactions, population genetics

Stefano Focardi, Institute for Complex Systems, Firenze, Italy – population dynamics, movement ecology, ungulates

Jennifer Forbey, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Boise State University, Boise, USA – physiology, chemical ecology, vertebrate herbivore

Matthieu Guillemain, Unité Avifaune Migratrice, Office Français de la Biodiversité, France – Migration, Population Dynamics, Waterbirds

Christian Hagen, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Bend, USA – gamebirds, grassland ecosystems, wildlife management

Klemen Jerina, Department of Forestry, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia – large carnivores, ungulates, wildlife-human conflics, telemetry data, spatial analysis, habitat selection and movement

Maria Johansson, Environmental Psychology, Dept of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund, Sweden – human dimensions of wildlife 

Jón Einar Jónsson, University of Iceland, Snæfellsnes Research Centre, Iceland – birds, population ecology, breeding biology

Kaya Klop-Toker, Conservation Science Research Group, University of Newcastle, Australia – Amphibians, Chytridiomycosis, Conservation, Population modeling, Reintroductions, Threat mitigation, Wildlife disease

Stephanie Kramer-Schadt, Department of Evolutionary Ecology, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany – spatial modelling, population dynamic modelling, wildlife disease dynamics

Mathieu Leblond, Environment and Climate change, Canada, Government of Canada – wildlife-habitat relationships, movement ecology, migration, large terrestrial mammals, GPS, GIS, spatial analysis

Sonja Ludwig, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Lancaster, UK – human-wildlife conflict, conservation, wildlife ecology and management, birds

Sara Oyler-McCance, Fort Collins Science Center, Fort Collins, USA – conservation genetics, genomics, molecular ecology

Scott Newey, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK –  population ecology, wildlife monitoring, (small) game ecology and management

Johannes Penner, Chair of Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg, Germany – biodiversity, herpetology, conservation

Wibke Peters, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft, Freising, Germany – movement ecology, resource selection, ungulates

Shyamala Ratnayeke, Dept of Biological Sciences, Sunway University, Malaysia – non-invasive sampling, population genetics, human wildlife conflict, habitat selection, species distributions, mammals, carnivores

Shin-Jae Rhim, School of Bioresource and Bioscience, Chung-Ang University, Ansung, South Korea – behaviour, habitat, population ecology

Cecile Richard-Hansen OFB/DRAS/S-EE (Office Français de la Biodiversité /Direction  de la Recherche et Appui Scientifique, Service Espèces à Enjeux - French Biodiversity Agency/Research / Stake Species Service) and UMR EcoFoG (Joint Research Unit Ecology of Guianan Forests)  – neotropical forest, medium-to-large terrestrial species, ecology and management, conservation

Jean-François Robitaille, Biology Department, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Canada – mesocarnivores, community ecology, trophic relationships

Nuria Selva (Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) large carnivores, brown bear, mammals, scavengers, carrion ecology, trophic ecology, road ecology, artificial feeding of wildlife, species management plans, human-wildlife conflicts, conservation policies, Eastern Europe, temperate forests

Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist, Gothenburg Research Institute, University of Gothenburg, Sweden  – human dimensions of wildlife, wildlife conflicts

Christian Sonne, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark – diseases, contaminants, climate change

Peter Sunde, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Rönde, Denmark – resource selection, behavioural ecology, evidence based management, carnivorous birds and mammals

Maciej Szewczyk, Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of Gdańsk, Poland – conservation biology, population genetics, molecular ecology, ecology and evolution, large carnivores, wolves

Hideharu Tsukada, Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, School of Veterinary Medicine , Azabu University, Japan – Medium-sized carnivores, damage control, conservation, deer, behavior, foraging ecology, agroecosystem, parasitology, grassland.

Luc Wauters, Insubria University, Varese, Italy – invasive alien species, small mammals, population dynamics

Pat White, Centre for Conservation 7 Restoration Science, Edinburgh Napier University – wildlife ecology and management, birds, mammals, habitat selection, breeding biology, monitoring technologies, predator control, farming and wildlife

Nigel G. Yoccoz, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway – quantitative ecology; modelling, trophic interactions, climate change

Sun Yue-Hua, Lab of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China – Resource selection, conservation, Galliformes

Lu Zhang, School of Ecology, Sun Yat-sen University, China – wildlife conservation, riparian zone, food web, otter, environmental DNA, local ecological knowledge, protected area