
Why those strong reactions to large carnivores?

The May Issue of Wildlife Biology is a Special Issue about Managemnet of large carnivores in Sweden. Here's a short introduction to the Issue and to the editor's review on the theme. First in Swedish, then in English. All papers are as always Open Access and free to download...

How attitudes to wolfs and bears change

Many countries have put increased focus on the conservation of large carnivore species, leading to an increase in the populations of these species. While this is positive in terms of conservation this has led to a number of social conflicts, especially with respect to increasing...

Red deer in Australia, how do they do?

Australia has unique flora and fauna, but the natural environment has been severely altered since European settlement in the 18th Century. When managing introduced vertebrates one of the most basic questions to answer is what is the best method to estimate abundance of a...

Welcome new SE, Maria Johansson

We are very happy to welcoming Maria Johansson to our Editorial Board. Maria is a professor in Environmental Psychology, at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment in Lund, Sweden. get to know her here: What's you main research focus at the moment? I am working in...

Welcome new Editor Christian Hagen!

We are very pleased to welcome Christian Hagen to our editorial board. To get to know Christian better I asked him a few questions: 1. What's your main research focus at the moment? Examining demographic and behavioral response (habitat use) to large scale habitat manipulation (...

Genetics of yellowstone bisons

In the december Issue of Wildlife Biology you find an interesting paper about genetic diversity of bisons in Yellowstone " Genetic analysis of a Bison bison herd derived from the Yellowstone National Park population " by Julia A. herman and co-workers. Below is their summary of...

Supplementary feeding of red deer

Many years ago, on a cold winter night, we were sitting on a high-stand at the forest edge. We were waiting for the red deer to come to the feeding place. We wanted to trap some individuals and put radiocollars on them, and we expected that the huge amount of apple pomace...

Now: Altmetrics on Wildlife Biology papers!

Did you know that our publisher BioOne, presents Altmetrics-values for all Wildlife Biology papers? Altmetric measures a paper's attention on Internet; Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, News Sites, Mendeley etc. The more a paper is talked about on the web - the higher the Altmetric...

How to mask human scent

Camera traps have become a widely used survey tool that is implemented to answer a variety of ecological questions. In all types of camera trap studies, maximizing detection of wildlife is an important concern, and there are many methodological biases that have to be addressed...

Black bears' day beds

Recently accepted in Wildlife Biology, is a paper examining den abandonment and the use of day beds during the transition into and out of hibernation by black bears on the island of Newfoundland. Nathaniel D. Rayl, Todd K. Fuller, John F. Organ, John E. McDonald, Jr., Robert D...

Cat impact on wildlife

Do domestic cats have any impact on the wildlife around them? Or do they supplied food prevent from hunting themselves? Find out more in Ferreira et al's study "Domestic cat predation on Neotropical species in an insular Atlantic Forest remnant in southeastern Brazil" in...

Strategies to protect riparian forest against damage caused by capybaras.

Capybara (Figure 1) damage is closely associated with proximity to water bodies and forested areas ( Figure 2 ) Figure 2 : The capybaras footprints in slope, close to the riparian forest The Capybara's population has increased in riparian forest as a result of the lack of...

Wildlife in our backyard!!

What do people think about having marmosets in their backyard? Happy to feed them? Afraind of diseases? And how does interactions with humans affect Marmoset population biology? Find out in the Wildlife Biology paper " Wildlife in our backyard: interactions between Wied's...

Human impacts on capercaille in Scotland

How much do we humans effect the populations of wild animals in the woods? An important issue when it comes to endangered species! Robert Moss and his co-workes have studied human influences on populations of capercaillie in Scotland. Learn more in their paper "Walking iImpacts...

Welcome Simone Ciuti, new SE

We are very happy to welcome Dr. Simone Ciuti, Univeristy of Freiburg, Germany, to the Editorial Board of Wildlife Biology. Here's a short presentation of Simone and if you want to know more, please visit his webpage! 1. What's you main research focus at the moment? I am lucky...

March issue now published

The March issues of Wildlife Biology (Volume 20, issue 1) is now published at BioOne. All papers are Open Acesses.

Puma densities - are they reliable?

Now published online in Wildlife Biology, is a paper on density of pumas in Patagonia. Kurt A. Rinehart, L. Mark Elbroch and Heiko U. Wittmer are the authors to "Common biases in density estimation based on home range overlap with reference to pumas in Patagonia." Mark Elbroch...

Great News for Wildlife Biology

Wildlife Biology is now moving to Oikos Editorial Office, Lund. The handling of manuscripts will take place in Manuscriptcentral mc.manuscriptcentral/wlb If you want to contact us, send a mail to Managing Editor Åsa Langefors at me [at] wildlifebiology [dot] org Follow us on...


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