New Subject Editor: Jacopo Cerri

18 June 2024

I graduated at the University of Firenze in Wildlife Management, with a dissertation about the monitoring of invasive cottontail populations in Italy. Then I had my PhD and worked for a few years as a postdoc about the human dimensions of wildlife, and the use of questionnaires to monitor attitudes towards invasive alien species. Progressively I have sifted towards applied data analysis, focusing on spatial and temporal data. Namely, while working at the University of Primorska, I have worked on estimating changes in wildlife-vehicle collisions due to COVID-19 and variations in moon illumination and weather conditions. Over the last two years, after having moved to my current position at the University of Sassari, I developed two main research lines. In the first one I am analyzing GPS data collected from Griffon Vultures in Sardinia, to study how supplementary feeding and different release strategies affect the temporal evolution of their spatial behavior. Moreover, I am also working on modeling long-term trends in the hunting bags of ungulates at the European scale and spatiotemporal changes in wolf distribution in Central Italy. Read more.

Outside of work, I like surfing, particularly during winter, when water is freezing and no-one is around. Also mountain biking and attending concerts of emerging artists. I am deeply in love with Jamaican music of all kinds.

Keywords: wildlife ecology; time-series analysis; movement ecology; spatial statistics; large carnivores; vultures; invasive alien species


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