
Upcoming special issue: Insights from technological advances in wildlife research

CC BY-SA 4.0 photo from wiki commons: Insights from technological advances in wildlife research Editors: Mathieu Leblond, Shyamala Ratnayeke and Wibke Peters. Recent advancements in wildlife research technology...

Upcoming special issue: Indirect effects of hunting

Photo by Sebastian Schwegmann. Indirect effects of hunting on Wildlife Editors: Luca Corlatti and Simone Ciuti Wildlifers have long overlooked the indirect consequences of hunting. Lately, mounting evidence reveals how hunting can significantly modify wildlife behavior, social...

Editor's choice September/October 2023

The editor’s choice is the article by LeBeau et al.: “ A meta-analysis investigating the effects of energy infrastructure proximity on grouse demography and space use ”. Responsible energy development requires careful consideration of potentially negative impacts on wildlife. In...

Editor's choice Jul/Aug 2023

The editor’s choice is the article by Christianson et al.: “ Estimating true density in large, alpine herbivores using Google Earth imagery ” Reliable estimates of population size and density are essential for both research and management, yet very difficult to achieve. This is...

Editor's choice May/June 2023

The editor’s choice is the article by Zabel et al.: “ Assessment of the accuracy of counting large ungulate species (red deer Cervus elaphus ) with UAV-mounted thermal infrared cameras during night flights ” New technologies have the potential to boost research as they promise...

New subject editor: Lu Zhang

My name is Lu Zhang and it is my great pleasure to join Wildlife Biology as a subject editor. I completed my PhD at Peking University in China, focused on the ecology and conservation of threatened Przewalski's gazelle on the Tibetan Plateau. I then moved to Memphis TN and...

New Subject Editor: kaya Klop-Toker

My name is Kaya Klop-Toker , I am a conservation biologist specializing in population ecology and adaptive management of threatened amphibians. I am particularly interested in understanding the often multi-faceted mechanisms behind amphibian decline, and how we can use this...

New Subject Editor: Cécile Richard-Hansen

My name is Cécile Richard-Hansen, and I'm happy to join the editorial board of Wildlife Biology as a new Subject Editor. I look forward to contribute to the development of neotropical topics in the journal! After a PhD focused on mountain Ungulates in France (Toulouse University...

New subject editor: Pat White

My name is Pat White and I look forward to contributing to Wildlife Biology as a subject editor. I am a lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland and a member of our Centre for Conservation & Restoration Science. I have worked on various research projects relating...

Call for papers - Disease Ecology

Photo by Ilse Storch. Diseases have gained significant importance in wildlife ecology and management in recent years. Chronic wasting disease (CWD), a fatal prion disease in cervids that has been known in North America for some time, has recently been found also in Norway and...

Editor's choice March/April 2023

The editor’s choice is the article by Johnson et al.: “ Assessing the Implications of Sexual Segregation when Surveying White-Tailed Deer ( Odocoileus Virginianus )” Ungulates and many other game species are traditionally hunted during the mating season. As hunting planning...

Call for papers: Wolves Across Borders

Photo by Jim Peaco. Public domain National Park Service. EXTENDED DEADLINE: 21 October! Wolves have always been at the center of human-wildlife conflict, and their management is politically polarized and contentious. Furthermore, the world’s wolf population ranges across an...

Editors choice January/February 2023

The editor’s choice is the article by Lennox et al.: “ Predation research with electronic tagging ” In the early days of wildlife telemetry, using VHF receivers and hand-held antennas, the loss of a tagged animal due to predation was more of a nuisance than an interesting data...

Editor's choice November/December 2022

The editor’s choice is the article by Leif-Egil Loe and Olav Hjeljord: “ The roles of climate and alternative prey in explaining 142 years of declining willow ptarmigan hunting yield ” This study is truly exceptional because it presents one of the longest wildlife time series...

Call for papers - Fencing as a Tool for Conflict Management

Photo by Göran Borglin. Human-modification of the environment has resulted in a steady increase in human-wildlife spatial overlap and interactions. When these interactions threaten or result in damage to human property or safety, they are deemed to be “conflicts”. As a result, a...

Call for papers - Human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in the African context

Photo by Brutus Östling. Human-wildlife interactions are projected to increase globally in association with human population growth, expansion of settlements, human access to previously undisturbed areas, and increasing anthropogenic demand for resources. Some of the most...

Editor's choice September/October 2022

The editor’s choice is the article by Burkholder et al. “ Winter habitat selection by female moose in southwestern Montana and effects of snow and temperature ” This paper resulted from the MSc thesis of the first author. Master’s theses too often do not get published, even when...

Editor’s Choice July/August 2022

The editor’s choice is the article by Corlatti et al. Past, present and future of chamois science . Early generations of wildlife ecologists often focused their careers on specific taxonomic groups. They usually started working on a particular species as graduate students,...

Editor's choice May/June 2022

The editor’s choice is the article by Zbinden et al. Long-term trends of reproductive success of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix in the southern Swiss Alps in relation to changes in climate and habitat Climate change and the associated habitat changes affect numerous wildlife...

Editor’s Choice March/April 2022

The editor’s choice is the article by Vissia et al. The effect of body size on co-occurrence patterns within an African carnivore guild Your dog cannot help chasing cats? Typical carnivore habit! Carnivore species tend to avoid, if not kill each other. The strength of carnivore...


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