Exciting news: new owner and publisher
Submitted by editor on 7 October 2021.The Oikos Editorial Office have some quite exciting news to share with our Wildlife Biology readers and authors.
First, the Nordic Society Oikos has taken over the ownership of Wildlife Biology from NKV. The change in ownership was mutually agreed by NKV and NSO, allowing Wildlife Biology to benefit from being part of a larger ecological journal family. That means that we are now one of five ecology/wildlife journals in the NSO portfolio. Please read more about NSO and the other journals here: Nordic Society Oikos
In addition, Wildlife Biology will be published by Wiley from January 2022, together with the other NSO journals. That means that Wildlife Biology will get a much larger platform with greater outreach and visibility for its papers. We will also be able to offer authors to transfer manuscripts rejected by the other NSO journals (Oikos, Ecography and Journal of Avian Biology) to Wildlife Biology, which we think will give Wildlife Biology a boost in interesting papers. Already now there is a new ScholarOne site that will be used for all new submissions. Manuscript submitted through the old ScholarOne site will continue to be handled there.
One of the many benefits with this upcoming change is that our authors, through our new publisher Wiley, will have access to several deals to cover for Open Access fees, so that authors do not have to pay the publication fees themselves. More and more countries are covered by these deals each year and a good proportion of Wildlife Biology authors are already covered. Read more about such deals here:
Institutional Payments | Wiley.
In line with being an NSO journal, Wildlife Biology will get a new look to match its sister journals, both for cover design but also the pdf layout.
Since a while back, Wildlife Biology has had mandatory data deposition and a double-blind peer review process. Now, when Wildlife Biology becomes a NSO journal, NSO will also cover author fees for depositing data in the Dryad repository. We will also offer a Transparent Peer Review process (Transparent Peer Review — Publons) for our authors. The corresponding author can opt in or opt out for TPR during the submission process.
We hope you share our enthusiasm about this upcoming change and please spread this fantastic news in your social network. We encourage you to submit to Wildlife Biology already now for a greater outreach of your research.